Script Consultation
Congratulations on finishing a screenplay! Many say they have ideas, most don't find the discipline to put it on the page. Now you have your story, but do you have a story well told?
I can help.
What I ask is to send me a log line (two line pitch of your screenplay), brief synopsis and PDF of your script. That way before reading it, I have an idea of both what you think you have on the page and what you want to accomplish with the script.
After reading, I jot down specifics and we hop on a zoom call to discuss.
My feedback ranges from technical (format/spelling/grammar) to story (genre/plot/structure/character/dialogue/theme) to help you on your rewrite. The zoom call is recorded and I give you the file for you to review after we meet.

Script Consultation Service:
Read/review/discuss/zoom file: $350
2.5 hours! 2.5 hours with me on the phone dissecting my script page by page by page. She would have kept going, if I didn’t cry Uncle. (This after she masticated over the script the night before generating pages of notes.) Who does this kind of intense rectal probe for tuppence? Paula Goldberg, apparently. Script Reader extraordinaire.
- Screenwriter, Josh Manheimer
I very much enjoyed my recent script consultation with Paula Goldberg. She gave well fleshed out, intelligent, actionable notes. Delivered in a way that was solid but she never steamrolled my own thoughts. And in case this all sound too serious, Paula was also fun, personable and just a pleasure to work with. All this at a reasonable cost, for which I got more than I would from just regular script coverage.
- Writer/Director, Tim Bartell